Write for us

Good news! Soweluwellness.com.au  blog seeks guest authors with health and healthcare knowledge. If you wish to hyperlink to a relevant blog or website, we can help.

Why Write Fitness Articles For Us?

Health blogs abound online. Our blog is ideal for guest writing. We’ve established a knowledge-sharing platform to help readers comprehend health advice, concerns, diseases, ailments, wellness, and home cures. We provide readers with accurate, unique material. When you write to our blog, you’ll reach a large, information-hungry audience. You and our readers win.

Soweluwellness.Com.Au Guest Post Guidelines

Your guest posting pitch should follow these rules for speedy approval:


Our viewers get access to helpful, well-researched articles. We prefer well-researched, factual, and in-depth guest blogs. Guest authors must contribute authoritative, high-quality work.


We hate puffery, bluff, and repetition, but we favor 500-word essays. Usually, we do this so readers get complete information. Recent search engine algorithms favor extended high-quality content. Before posting, check sure it meets the criteria.


As our blog name implies, we offer health recommendations, illnesses, wellness, home cures, and more. Please give us blog- and category-related proposals. Deviations won’t be published, and no response will be given.


Here’s a list of blog categories for possible guest writers: You can write about the following:

  • Diseases
  • Healthcare
  • Medication
  • Fitness
  • Health Men
  • Health Women
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatric
  • Remedies

All submissions must be relevant to the following categories or they will be rejected.


Soweluwellness.com.au aims to provide important information. While we want all entries to be valuable, they must also be easy to read and comprehend. So, when writing your content, avoid using jargon, fancy terms, etc. Choose audience-appropriate language.


Correct grammar is checked for all guest posts we receive. Check for grammar before submitting. You should also include headers, subheadings, bullet points, caps, italics, underlining, photos, infographics, and videos. These improve the content’s value and engage our viewers.


We urge you to incorporate relevant videos, photos, infographics, etc. in your posts. Unneeded/irrelevant media consumption might lead to rejection. Make sure you own all media used or include correct attribution.


Our blog prohibits link spam. When submitting an article, limit backlinks to one (your blog). You can include one external link to a suitable blog article. Backlinks or external links to unrelated blogs/posts will get your article denied.


Posts must be informative. Guest posts cannot promote items or websites. For promotional pieces or to connect to a commercial website, email us with the subject “Write for Us Paid” or “Submit a Guest Post Paid.”


We don’t sell to our readers. We don’t allow affiliate link marketing in guest posts since it hurts our reputation. Email us with the subject “Write for Us Advertising” to advertise your affiliate link in our blog.


We both abhor plagiarism. We don’t want duplicate blog posts. We suggest guest authors contribute original, non-copywritten work. We’ll delete copied blog posts quickly. Use this SEO tool to check for plagiarism.

Search Terms:

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